Below is a look at day two of the 105th Acton Fall Fair. It sure was another hot one as the sun was out bright! Thankfully the clouds rolled through during the afternoon, which created some relief from the boiling sun! If you have not checked out day one of the 105th Acton Fall Fair, you can do so by
clicking here.
Just behind where our tractor was on display at the Fair was a horseshoe pit available for some late Saturday morning horseshoe rounds. |
Also at the same time there was a horse and buggy demonstration competition taking place at the track. |
At 1:30pm, a dog show took place in the second ring of the midway. |
The Lolly Swing was delighting visitors of young and old. |
The Scooter bumper cars sure were popular on the Saturday afternoon! |
The Himalaya sign was kind of saturated by the bright afternoon sun. |
Zero Gravity was causing a few riders to get stuck to the wall as it tilted towards the ground while spinning at high speeds. |
The Himalaya was providing a fast action-packed ride while giving some relief of the afternoon heat for some fair-goers. |
The Berry-Go-Round was giving some spin-hungry riders a workout. |
The Merry-Go-Round was providing gentle fun for the young ones just down the midway. |
A Fall Fair just wouldn't be one without some agricultural aspects. Here are some Holstein calves on display within the Ag Awareness tent. |
This young llama and its mother were seeking shelter from the sun under the tent. |
Some 4-H members were showcasing their cattle at this year's Fair at the far end of the park. |
A young game player had the chance to select a prize early in the evening after winning Rising Waters. |
A dusky pink hazy sky rolled in as the sun was close to setting for the night. |
Here are the lights of the Scooter bumper cars as seen from the Sizzler. |
The Zero Gravity sure was whirling as darkness began to fall. |
As darkness fell, so did the levels of visitors in the kiddie midway. But, the other midway was quite busy and filled with excitement! |
The glow of the green and orange lights of the Merry-Go-Round make a nice backdrop for the horses. |
The newly acquired Raiders looked quite spectacular at night. |
I believe the Hi-Striker was a new addition to the midway this year. |
The Mulligan Wheel sure sports an amazing LED light package. |
The Sizzler also had a dazzling light show to display at night. |
The midway was bustling on a warm Saturday night. |
The Himalaya also had a very nice light show too. Unfortunately the lights on the cars weren't working. But, it still looked very nice. |
Here is an up close and personal look at the Zero Gravity against the dark night sky. |
Live performances were taking place in the Dufferin Rural Heritage Community Centre on Saturday night. |
Here is another beautiful view of the Mulligan Wheel on the midway at the Acton Fall Fair. |
After a long day at the Fair, we decided to head on home. Here is our Dad, my brother Scott, our Mom, and I together for a night shot. Sunday's photos at the Fair are coming up next! :-)
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